History from the Web
3 min read
Part of why I write at Hankering for History is that I love sharing. I don’t just like sharing what I’ve learned, but also what I run across on other websites. Whether it’s a video clip, an article, breaking-news, or someone selling history doodads online, I want you guys to know about it as well. It’s time, for History from the Web!
I have some exciting news! (If you have a vehicle registered in the state of Tennessee.) The Tennessee Civil War Preservation Association (TCWPA) has brokered a deal with the state of Tennessee so that an individual can now own a Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial License Plate. Now you can show off your love for history AND help the TCWPA. All proceeds from the license plates will support Civil War battlefield preservation in Tennessee and the Civil War Trails program. The coolest part is that the first year’s $35.00 fee has been covered. I spoke to Mary Ann Peckham, the Executive Director of TCWPA, this morning and she informed me that they still need about 125 people to sign up for the Civil War Sesquicentennial License Plate before that can start manufacturing them. It is really easy to order, so go get more information and order yours today!
I recently stumbled across a very informative Youtube channel–Crash Course. You may remember several months ago I praised Khan Academy for their informative online videos; however, I will admit, they can be monotonous and sometimes boring. Crash Course, on the other hand, is very informative and very humorous. These videos, conducted by John and Hank Green (you may know them as the Vlogbrothers), are fast paced, fun, and educational. The videos are broken up into two list: United States History and World History. (They cover other aspect of education as well.) Below is one of the videos, The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism.
The last bit of history I am sharing today is an article from The Atlantic. The article, Cracker Barrel’s Oddly Authentic Version of American History, is an informative piece about Cracker Barrel, the institution of the general store, and the importance of Cracker Barrel’s acquisition of antiques. When you stop in your local Cracker Barrel, it is impossible to miss the large collection of apparent knickknacks. However, to my disbelief, these knickknacks are authentic antiques. Here is an excerpt from the article. I suggest reading the article in its entirety.
The antiques, according to [Cracker Barrel], are real ones. They come from across the U.S. to the Cracker Barrel Decor Warehouse in Lebanon, Tennessee. The company has a mock restaurant that it uses to plan the decor of every single location; designers arrange the elements for each new store in a way that looks right, make a plan (with photographs) for where the objects should go, and send it off with those objects to the new location.
The New York Times reported in 2002 that the restaurants’ demand for old objects had grown so much that American antique dealers were struggling to source them.
So maybe next time you are in a Cracker Barrel, take the opportunity to look around and check out the antiques that adorn the restaurant’s wall.