I want to add you to my history blogroll!
1 min readIf you haven’t visited the Hankering for History Blogroll already, do so. More importantly, if you have a history blog, leave your website in the comment section below so that I can add it! If you haven’t seen it already, it not only has the website, but the most recent article published and the time it was written. If I get enough sites added to it, I will break it up into sections. (Ex: Colonial times, Revolutionary War, Founding Fathers, WWI, WWII, etc.)
Tsk, tsk….I have been following you on WordPress, I should have added you already. Shame on me. 🙁
Ditto. I have fixed that now. Fifty lashes for each of us with a wet noodle.
I have a partly history blog. It’s Amy’s Scrap Bag: A Blog About Libraries, Archives, and History (http://amysscrapbag.wordpress.com). I cover a bit of each of those field solo, but I also have posts that cover all three. Plus I provide some research tips.
Thanks for stopping by, and I am glad to have added you. I see on your About page that you are searching for your “first real job”–best of luck with that!
You’re welcome! And thank you for both adding me and for the luck!
I help run an ancient history blog on tumblr called Ancient Peoples (http://ancientpeoples.tumblr.com/). We post ancient artefacts daily and also write longer articles etc. 🙂
hello : my site http://www.eucmh.com (European Center of Military History)
Well I know it’s a “members” site but that’s the only way I have found to lease soon a own webserver – Gunter/Snafu
note that I am using the WP Plugin “Terrbl” – this gives out 100 in-bounds links in the side bar – so if you add me in your blogroll you will be (if clicked) added automaticaly in the EUCMH homepage.
Hi, here’s the link to my general history website http://www.historynotes.info/ Hope you will add me and all the best in future blogging.
Sorry, your comment got stuck in moderation. I will def add you!
My blog is called Today in Macalister History (http://macalister-history.blogspot.com/), but it’s history, not genealogy.
Today in Macalister History has a new address: http://macalisterhistory.com