Kennedy Nixon Debate (1960) On this day (Sept 26th), in 1960, Nixon and Kennedy squared off for the first televised...
On This Day
On This Day (Sept 25th), in 1957, President Eisenhower used the U.S. Army to escort the Little Rock Nine into...
On this day (Sept 24), in 1789, America's legal system--as we know it--was established. On this day, George Washington and...
Crypt of Civilization On this day, in 1939, the Westinghouse Time Capsule was buried. There must be hundreds of time...
Harvard College On this day, in 1642, Harvard had its first commencement. This single event led to America's growing trend...
If I told you that there were 10,000 Memphians, with blankets and picnic baskets, sitting on the bluff, you would...